

Wonderland Yarns - Blossoms Sock

Mix and match swatches to create the perfect color combination for your project. Or, compare those three shades of grey side-by-side so you can choose the one that's juuuuuust right. Simply click on one of the large grey square that reads "Click to Choose Color" to activate the picker and start planning your project. When you've found the colors you love, add one or all to your cart or wishlist, and enjoy!





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African Daisy #1
African Daisy #1
Anemone #32
Anemone #32
Apple Blossom #36
Apple Blossom #36
Aquilegia #44
Aquilegia #44
Bearded Iris #29
Bearded Iris #29
Blue Spruce #53
Blue Spruce #53
Bronze Amaranth #17
Bronze Amaranth #17
Chrysanthemum #14
Chrysanthemum #14
Clematis #5
Clematis #5
Coral Bells #18
Coral Bells #18
Dahlia #4
Dahlia #4
Delphenium #22
Delphenium #22
Dusty Miller #16
Dusty Miller #16
Eucalyptus #43
Eucalyptus #43
Euphorbia #20
Euphorbia #20
Fuschia Macrantha #45
Fuschia Macrantha #45
Gladiola #41
Gladiola #41
Globe Thistle #23
Globe Thistle #23
Golden Cypress #51
Golden Cypress #51
Heart Leaf Fern #31
Heart Leaf Fern #31
Himalayan Poppy #2
Himalayan Poppy #2
Hyacinth #25
Hyacinth #25
Hydrangea #8
Hydrangea #8
Jade Mar-Flower #24
Jade Mar-Flower #24
King Protea #3
King Protea #3
Lady Slipper #7
Lady Slipper #7
Lady's Mantle #42
Lady's Mantle #42
Lantana #30
Lantana #30
Liatris #21
Liatris #21
Lichen #40
Lichen #40
Lilac #39
Lilac #39
Love in a Mist #49
Love in a Mist #49
Magnolia #54
Magnolia #54
Mertensia #38
Mertensia #38
Monks Hood #13
Monks Hood #13
Morning Glory #27
Morning Glory #27
Muscari #28
Muscari #28
Passion Flower #35
Passion Flower #35
Primula #52
Primula #52
Privet Berry #55
Privet Berry #55
Quince #34
Quince #34
Rose Campion #48
Rose Campion #48
Rosemary #47
Rosemary #47
Roses are Red #26
Roses are Red #26
Sage #9
Sage #9
Sweet William #46
Sweet William #46
Trillium #11
Trillium #11
Tulip #37
Tulip #37
Verbascum #33
Verbascum #33
Yarrow #50
Yarrow #50
Zinna #19
Zinna #19
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