Looking for a new crafting challenge? Want to meet other hand-dyed yarn fans, or simply enjoy a fun game? Take your crafting to the next level, boost your Yarnathon totals, and help earn stars for your team by participating all year long in the Booster Club.
HOOK IT! - Earn stars for every project that you make with ESK yarn in 2025. Get an additional yardage boost when you fill up your Hook It! button with 6 stars up to four times per year.
CRAFT-A-LONGS - Earn extra Yarnathon yardage as well as stars for your team by participating in one or more craft-a-longs throughout the year just by using the fabulous ESK yarn you already have!
Team Challenges - These can happen any time, and are always posted in our Ravelry group. Keep up with your team's Ravelry thread to get the heads up and collaborate on these!
Booster Club activities are both stash-busting and stash-enhancing, so we encourage all to participate! You will also automatically collect stars for your team's star bank as you progress through the Yarnathon.
You'll be randomly and automatically assigned to one of four teams: Draglans, Jackayokes, Pegafluffs, and the Stashquatch. You can find out what team you're on by checking your Progress Dashboard. Teams are randomly assigned to try to keep them even, but if you are really really sad about your team, please e-mail us and we'll take care of it for you. Team switches will cost 2 stars in order to keep all teams on an even playing field but still allow team switching.
Team Prizes
The team with the most stars on December 29th (after we've tallied all the badge and KAL submissions) will win the Booster Club Team Challenge!
In addition to bragging rights, all members of the winning team who earn 1 or more stars for their team will receive a $20 gift certificate at the end of the year. MVPs from ALL teams - yarnathoners who max out their star participation with 75 or more stars for the good of the team - will also receive a $20 store credit!